Monday, April 25, 2011

Gap between electricity supply and demand widening

Rory Larkey
FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE                           
Article Summary Guidelines
              Written Article, Internet Information or TV Show


The topic must be related to economics and business; it should be recent (within last 3 months.)


            Use the following format to prepare your information.

            Write out your answers before the class discussion


Gap between electricity supply and demand widening

Author/Home page

Internet Research

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rolling blackouts, they are usually in response to a situation where the demand for electricity exceeds the power supply capability of the network.

Main ideas:

In some parts of Pakistan, such as ISLAMABAD

The persistent load shedding schedule is causing numerous troubles as the gap between the electricity supply and demand is continuously widening in the country.

Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) is currently recorded at 9,500 megawatts, while the demand has shot up to 15,500 megawatt, leaving a shortfall of 6,000 megawatts.
The results of the rolling blackouts are 12 hours a day without power. In rural areas there have been up to 18 hours of electricity outages.

What did you like about the article?
I found that the article explained the fact that there is a high demand for electricity in the ISLAMABAD area. I liked the way that it explained that the supply has been unable to be met. I can appreciate the facts given in regard to the amounts of electricity produced compared to the amount demanded.

What did you dislike about the article?

I dislike that there are no facts given as to why there is such a high demand for electricity and no solutions to fix the problem. I think that the article would have been much more informative if it had reference to the price consumers are paying for the electricity, before and after demands are met.

How does this article relate to current economic conditions?

This article is very relevant to the current issues of today, because it is an example of supply and demand in areas not yet able to keep up with the demand of the populations electrical and technical needs.

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